Saturday, September 19, 2009

raya ! :D

so, so so ! what day is tomorrow ?! it's RAYA day ! that's right , everybody . huu , i'm so damn excited ! my first raya as an MRSM student . i wonder what is different this year , though . as an MRSM student , what's good about that ? the hype ? or the gahness of it ? nahh , idk . anyway , for those who are still don't know what is Raya ,  here , i'll explain .

Raya or largely known as Hari Raya Aidilfitri , is celebrated every year , in the month of Syawal which comes after Ramadhan . This event is festively celebrated during the 1st of Syawal , where people dress up in their new Raya clothes , go to the mosque to perform the Hari Raya prayers and bermaaf-maafan with relatives . Also , on this day , poeple would go visit their passed-away's grave and pray for them , may Allah bless them 'coz the first of Syawal marks the continuance of their punishments . after that , there are open houses , that is , the visiting of a relative's house . this is done to strengthen the bond between families which we don't get to see regularly . okay , the fun part . i think , the fun part about Raya  is getting the duit raya . Duit raya is like an angpao , a sum of cash which is given to the kids in an envelope , a small one . normally , during my days as a kid , my friends and i would gather and go from house to house , just to get that cash . man ! i was rude and immature , back then . but now , i don't really care about that . because , raya is not about that , specifically . it's about strengthen bonds among families , and eating Raya delicacies . (uuh , thinking about my mom's rendang , which is really a stomach-filler .) :D why is Raya celebrated ? hmm , based on what i know , Raya is celebrated as a mark of victory of us , Muslims abstain from eating , drinking and do sexually-related stuff . ;) heheh . hurm , i wonder how i feel i were to celebrate raya overseas . i'd be sad , of course . but can i handle it given that i'm a crybaby ? only time will tell . :D

so , that's it about raya . conclusively speaking , i'd like to take this oppurtunity to say that i'm so , so sorry for the wrongdoings that i've done and have a very wonderful , prosperous , dignified and superb raya !

Raya is what i've been waiting for , everybody ! Whoo !

tomorrow's posting : manchester derby .

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